The Business Review is one of the flagship business services that the Jamieson Group provides. The Project Planning Phase allows us to translate the Gap Analysis and Route Map outputs from the Business Review into a coherent set of practical steps. Having identified where changes need to be made, to be sustainable these changes need to be built into the Management Operating System so they become part of the Organisation Culture – “this is the way we do things around here”. We have different levels of services we offer, from Corporate Management to Operators— The management operating system for your tablet or phone. How effective is your MOS in contributing to the achievement of your goals? Real time. Real Success.
Business Reviews
Business Reviews
Our Business Review Teams have access to a comprehensive suite of advanced analytical tools and methods that will clearly and accurately diagnose, articulate and quantify productivity improvement opportunities across all business units and will work alongside our client’s people to identify and detail those opportunities.
Project Planning
We work very closely in this stage with our client’s key stakeholders and senior management team members to:
Our Tailored Training Services
whatever your needs—we are experienced to help you!
With iMOS Jamieson Group can make your goals a reality.